Return Policy

We accept cancelling orders before product shipment or production. If the order is cancelled, you will receive a full refund. If the product has already been shipped, we cannot cancel the order.
Return (if applicable)
We accept returns. Customers have the right to apply for a return within 14 days after product delivery.
In order to qualify for a return, your item must be unused and the label must still be present for us to confirm that it is a product of our store and in the same condition as the item you received. It must also be in its original packaging. To complete your return, we need a receipt or proof of purchase. Please inquire with our customer service to ensure that you have sent the package to the correct address.
(Refund arrival time: usually 7 working days;)
Customized orders or personalized products are not eligible for a 14 day refund.
If the return is caused by the consumer, the consumer should bear the shipping cost. The specific cost should be determined based on the courier company you choose.
If the received goods are damaged due to our reasons, consumers do not need to bear the shipping cost.
If the package is lost due to logistics reasons or if you fail to collect it in a timely manner, each party shall bear half of the responsibility
Refund (if applicable)
After receiving and checking your return, we will send you a notification of receipt via email. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of the refund. If you are approved, your refund will be processed and the credit card or original payment method will be automatically applied to your credit card within a certain number of days. Please note that we only support the original refund to your account and do not support customer requests for invoice refunds.
Delayed refund or no refund (if applicable)
If you have not received the refund yet, please double check your bank account first.
Then contact your credit card company, your refund may take some time to be officially announced. Next, contact y